Sunday, November 29, 2015

Yaakov means Heal

So obviously it's time to attach a balloon to our heal and play a game!

Our Mommy Brunch!!!

Thank you so so much for all the Mommies and Bubbies who came!


Benching so nicely!

Happy Birtday Leizer!

Happy Birthday Mendel M!

Happy Birthday Mendel. Thank you to Mendel's Mommy and Tatty for bringing in treats and joinng us for a birthday party!

Cheshek Winners Cheshvan!

Mazal Tov Mendel R. and Menny!

Fun with Food- Toldos Edition

For Parshas Toldos we invited the First Grade to join us in eating Lentil Soup

We also ate candy lentils

Thank you PTA

 Thank you PTA for our delicious Rosh Chodesh Kislev treats

Yitzchak Avinu Box

The kinderlach got a  tiny taste of how it was possible for Yitzchak Avinu, who was blind, to mistake Yaakov for Eisav. Morah put a mystery object into our Yitzchak Avinu box and it was the kinderlach's job to figure out what it was by only using our sense of touch!

Parshas Toldos Aleph Beis Centers

Aleph Beis soup with a Kamatz Ladel

Find the Aleph Beis in the beans! 

2 Very Different Hands

For our special set of twins we made two sets of hands. 

Yaakov's hand held a Siddur which we made by ourselves

Eisav's hand held a bow and arrow

and it was red

Mazel Tov Soldiers!

Mazel Tov to all the Tzivos Hashem Soldiers!

The Big 10

Kibbud Av V'Em is one of the Aseres Hadibros. But is on the Ben Adam L'Makom side or the Ben Adam L'Chaveiro

The kinderlach were easily able to place the other of the Aseres Hadibros but were very surprised that Kibud Av V'Em is between Man and Hashem. Morah explained that its the bridge between bith and since our Tatty and Mommy are partners with Hashem, whenever we show Kavod to our parents, we are showing kavod to Hashem 

We then did a science experiment and connected all the wires in the proper way. We saw that the light was connected to the switch and whenever we turned on the switch, the light turned on. We know understood how Kavod Hashem is the switch that is connected to the light of Kavod Hashem.

Rosh Chodesh Kislev Seudah

Thank you Rabbi Hecht (Menny's Tatty) for telling us such wonderfully funny stories and teachin gus many great lessons!