Sunday, October 18, 2015

Modeh Ani Power

Even our pure white Neshamah has some spots of tumah, It's ok because the Modeah Ani power cuts right through it. We did a science experiment to illustrate this point. We poured pure white milk into a tray. We added food coloring spots of Tumah. We then dipped our Modeh Ani sticks (toothpicks dipped in dish soap) into the Tumah and it pushed it all away! 

Sink or Float

Water, Water Everywhere. It seems water was in everything we discussed this week. Cheshvan, Noach, etc. With this in mind we did a science experiment finding objects from around our classroom, hypothesizing whether they sink or float, and throwing them in! Thank you to yaakov Mishael from Kitah Hay for helping us out with this center!

Tiny Teivahs

Picture Day!

Thank You PTA

Thank you to the PTA for the Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan treats and especially to Avrumi's Tatty and Mommy for helping sponsor the treats in honor of his birthday!

A Pure White Neshama

Modeh Ani was the topic of the week and we discussed how Hashem returns a new clean and energized Neshama each day. We filled our new clean and white Neshama with beautiful Mitzvos!

Mini Umbrellas

It's Cheshvan and even our Menchies need umbrellas!

Waking up the Right Way

Is it nap time in Pre1A? Nope. Just practicing what we learnt! "Modeh Ani Lefanecha.."

A Strong Foundation

When building a tower, you need a very strong start. Modeah Ani is a very strong start for our day.

The Power of Modeh Ani

We do not say any Tefillos before we wash Negel Vasser because, the Tumah (impurity) that we wash off with Negel Vasser has the strength to block Kedusah. Modeh Ani is the exception. Modeh Ani is so powerful that when said properly, it will shine through the Tumah. We illustrated this by painting on a white paper and noted how the paint covered the white of the paper. We then used our "secret weapon"... a white crayon. The white crayon had the power to shine through the paint! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

In the Beginning...

In honor of Parshas Bereishis we had a center for each of the Sheishes Yimei Bereishis

Yom Rishon
Painting with Light


Yom Sheini
We did a science experiment about the waters from above (rain) and waters below (oceans and rivers)

Yom Shlishi
Creating Leis with real Plumeria flowers from Morah's tree

Yom Riviee
Painting a sun with paint and a fork

Yom Chamishi
Fingerprint bugs

Yom Shishi
Fun with Food Project- Let us make man!