Sunday, January 24, 2016

Fun with Food- Va'Era Edition

Frogs Here, Frogs There. Frogs were jumping everywhere!

Mezonos Necklace Making

Chof Daled Teves

In honor of The Alter Rebbe's Yahrtzeit we created a Moral for the Alter Rebbe. Shneur- Two lights. The light of Chassidus and the light of Niglah . The Tanya and the Shulchan Aruch.

Ha'Eitz Grape Shapes

Hagafen Popsicles


Mezonos "Cookie" Decorating

Mezonos Brownie Making

Proper Attire

Three things that the Jews did not change in Egypt was their language, their Jewish names, and their Jewish Clothes. To illustrate how important it is to continue wearing clothes that identify us as Jews, we did a science experiment. We took two oranges one that kept his Jewish attire on (peel on) and one who took it off (peel off). We noticed that the orange with the peel floated on the top while the orange without the peel sank right to the bottom!